Nish Jewels
The story starts in 2006, when founder Deepa Jain , a homemaker decided to step out of her comfort zone and become an entrepreneur, a jeweller by profession.

nish jewels

“Jewellery is an art, that can be moulded according to your refine taste and lifestyle. An Art that is invaluable because you designed it in some way”
Shruti Jain
Creative Director
story of nish

 The story starts in 2006, when founder Deepa Jain , a homemaker decided to step out of her comfort zone and become an entrepreneur, a jeweller by profession. Based in Mumbai, india made the start a little easy by having access to the gem and jewellery industry. With a small investment of 50k the journey began.


Order for a couple of close family and friends was executed with a lot of appreciation and love , which led to many more people in the vicinity visiting and getting customised jewellery.


Her daughter, shruti jain after graduation in business studies and courses in the gem and jewellery from renowned institiues like GIA, IIGJ and designing from Rhea Nasta stepped in and we created the brand NISH JEWELS.

A team of two generations the designing of the jewels started changing and soon we were an amalgation of tradition and modern. A new set of young clientele added to the list. We became a boutique store in chembur, Mumbai known for bespoke diamond jewellery.


Nish jewels participated for the first time at the prestigious jewellery event Times Glamour and there was no looking back after that.

Together we expanded our business from a local community business to all over India.



Nish jewels got nominated for retail jewellers guild award, Delhi , India.


Shruti jain, the creative head of Nish jewels became a part of Designers of India (DOI) and participated in B2B shows as a budding designer with unique creations.


Nish jewels by Shruti Jain was formed to leave a remarkable imprint with a new vision. After a successful b2b show at Ahmedabad, in January2020, we got awarded as the Trendsetter 2020 at RJIF( RETAIL JEWLLER INDIA FORUM)  a whole new line of opportunities  knocked at our door but the pandemic covid 19 happened and lockdown happened. But this did not knock us down . We tried to use this time to upgrade our skills, created our website and participated in design awards. Got the 1st prize in gold category in design challenge organized by DOI, judged by waman hari pethe jewellers.  Got the 2nd prize in gold category in design challenge 2 organised by DOI JUDGED BY Mehta gold , Bangalore. 

Copywright © 2020 Designer’s of india